4th of July Sale - 72 Hours Only! | Powerplay Media

4-Day Super Sale: July 2nd - 5th!

4-Day Super Sale Ends In:


Whatever your Offer, Niche, or Price Point...

You Can
Borrow MY Expertise
& Have PROFITABLE Ads Again!

6 Incredible ADvantages to Choose From

6 Incredible ADvantages to Choose From

Take your pick or grab them all!

Match your message to your market

Cash Creation Clinic

You spent the money to get the leads… now let’s turn those leads into buyers! Use this training to create a quick cash injection into your business at any time. 

Whether you’re facing a slow season, summer slump or you just want to take an extended break, I’ve got you covered in this training. 

Get the step-by-step training + brainstorming session from this 2-hour workshop to create offers your audience is ready to buy RIGHT NOW! 

Regular PRice: $197


30 Days to Scale

Learn the exact ad testing techniques I use with my private clients to find winning audiences and creatives in 30 days or less!

In this training, I’ll walk you through an easy-to-replicate method to rapidly dial in your ad campaigns and be ready to start scaling in just a few weeks, saving you hours of frustration (and wasted money). 

Learn how to make informed decisions on ad spend and budget allocation, I’ll reveal my best practices for increasing ad spend to $200/day and up and how to avoid common mistakes that often kill great-performing ads. 

Regular PRice: $197


Power Up Profits with Pro Advice

Data Decoder

This training will help make ad spend decisions simple, straightforward and “confusion-less”, no matter what your budget and goals are.

In order to achieve and maintain profitable ads, you must know how to track AND interpret data. I’ll show you exactly what data you need to collect, how to interpret that data and how to read the “story” it’s telling you.

When you master this skill, you can troubleshoot and fix any problems with your ads and confidently make strategic decisions to turn your losing campaigns into WINNERS!

Regular PRice: $197



7-Day Ad Makeover Bundle

Get a real life look at how I transformed 9 failing Facebook Ad Campaigns into lead generating machines in just 7 days! Discover how to turn your own nightmare campaigns into ROI powerhouses. 

Watch me re-work ad copy, set up scroll-stopping creatives, and zero in on targeting to turn ad duds into studs… (including the data-backed proof of what worked and what didn’t).

Look over my shoulder as I reveal the COMMON MISTAKES that spiked their ad costs and reveal the secrets to cutting CPAs by up to 75%!

Regular PRice: $197


Done-For-You Targeting

Sold Out Last Time!

Fast-forward your results and let us fix the #1 mistake most people make with their ad campaigns for you!

Take advantage of our 9+ years of data and testing and receive 3 expertly curated COLD TRAFFIC AUDIENCES selected by my team just for you!

Limited to the first 25 buyers. Grab it now before it’s gone!

Regular PRice: $497


Home Team Advantage DIY

A Bestseller

HTA teaches you exactly how to create ads for low ticket offers in a way that produces the highest ROI possible.

I’m giving you everything you need to know, from beginning to end, to create and manage ads for a low ticket funnel. 

Regular PRice: $2,997


Virtual VIP Half-Day

Tap Into The Brain Responsible for Helping Clients Produce Over $90,000,000 in Sales!

TOGETHER We’ll Create YOUR Personalized
Marketing Plan
for World Domination

Discover the reason I'm trusted by Top Industry names to manage their AD spend!

Virtual VIP Half-Day

Tap Into The Brain Responsible for Helping Clients Produce Over $90,000,000 in Sales!

TOGETHER We’ll Create YOUR Personalized Marketing Plan for World Domination

Discover the reason I'm trusted by Top Industry names to manage their AD spend!

Let’s collapse time and get your marketing done FASTER by getting weeks’ worth of work done in JUST 3 HOURS!
Let’s collapse time and get your marketing done FASTER by getting weeks’ worth of work done in JUST 3 HOURS!

Here’s Just a Sample of Some REVENUE-GENERATING PROJECTS We Could Tackle Together

Create a Personalized Strategy

Reverse engineer your revenue goals for the second half of 2024 and determine the exact offers, funnels and ads it’s going to take to

Diagnose Underperforming Ads

Troubleshoot a struggling ad campaign and diagnose the cause for your underperforming ads. We’ll then start fixing those problems ON THE SPOT to turn those duds into studs. You’ll walk away with a SOLUTION IN MOTION!

Map Out Your 6-Figure Launch

We’ll hash out everything from ad copy, creatives, budget, KPIs, timelines, and all the other game-changing details needed to help you have your

Set Up Ad Campaigns

Maybe you need some extra help physically building out your ad campaigns? I’ll jump in and personally set up all the campaigns, ensure placement and optimization is correct. We’ll dive in and get our hands dirty so you leave with client-getting ads that are LOCKED AND LOADED! 

Create Your Own Day

Have other needs for your ads that aren’t listed above? No worries! This is your day that’s customized to achieve whatever your big goals are! 

This extremely limited, extremely discounted offer is only available for 3 people!

Regular PRice: $6,000

SALE PRICE: $4,000

Got Questions?

My team is standing by to answer them!

Go ADcognito Baby!

I’ve managed launches with up to $500,000 ad budgets that produced millions in revenue for some of the biggest names in the online marketing space. Typically clients pay me upwards of $25,000 to do this.

I’ll give you the level of private access only my biggest clients have ever gotten so you can see exactly what it looks like to craft the right…

I’ve never offered this level of insight into the work I do with my Done For You clients who pay thousands for my help.

You’ll get this for FREE with ANY Purchase Over $250!

Go ADcognito Baby!

I’ve managed launches with up to $500,000 ad budgets that produced millions in revenue for some of the biggest names in the online marketing space. Typically clients pay me upwards of $25,000 to do this.

I’ll give you the level of private access only my biggest clients have ever gotten so you can see exactly what it looks like to craft the right…

I’ve never offered this level of insight into the work I do with my Done For You clients who pay thousands for my help.

You’ll get this for FREE with ANY Purchase Over $250!


Adrienne Richardson is the owner and founder of Powerplay Media. She is the Facebook Ad Strategist running campaigns for many of the ads you see on Facebook every day.

She has spent more than 11 years and over $20 Million in ad spend mastering the Art and Science of using Facebook Ads to generate more than 750,000 leads and $90,000,000 in sales for her clients.

She has helped over 6,500 high-level business owners create marketing strategies that allow their business to exponentially grow their revenue and impact in the world.

She has worked with some of the top names like Digital Marketer, Pete Vargas, Russ Ruffino, BossBabe, Michael Hyatt, Jen Gottlieb & Chris Winfield, Think Media, Anthony O’Neal, Dharius Daniels, Shanda Sumpter, Selena Soo, Bethany Hamilton and many more.

© 2013-2024 Powerplay | All rights reserved | PRIVACY

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